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Everyday Wellness: Simple Practices for Mental Health from Nurse Coaches


In our fast-paced world, mental wellness often takes a backseat to the daily demands of life. But maintaining mental health is crucial, not just for personal fulfillment but also for achieving professional success and maintaining healthy relationships. 

Recognizing the pivotal role of mental health in our overall quality of life, nurse coaches are stepping forward as leaders in navigating the waters of modern mental wellness. These professionals combine their expertise in healthcare with practical coaching techniques to support participants in achieving and maintaining mental health. 

Through their supportive and holistic approach, nurse coaches empower participants to take charge of their mental wellness with practical strategies that can be easily included in your everyday routine.

Understanding Mental Wellness

Mental wellness includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It influences how we think, feel, and act as we deal with everything going on in our lives. It’s important to see that mental wellness is more than just the absence of mental illness. It occurs when people recognize their own abilities, cope with the normal stresses of life, work productively, and contribute to their community.

The significance of mental wellness extends beyond personal health. It is a critical component of overall well-being, affecting physical health, emotional resilience, and even cognitive function. People who enjoy robust mental health are more likely to have a proactive approach to managing stress, maintaining healthy relationships, and making choices that lead to a fulfilling life. 

In the workplace, mental wellness is equally crucial. It directly impacts productivity, engagement, and communication. Employees with high levels of mental wellness are more capable of managing deadlines, collaborating with colleagues, and innovating in their roles. Poor mental health, on the other hand, can harm an organization through lost productivity, increased absenteeism, and higher healthcare expenses.

By fostering mental wellness, both individuals and organizations can achieve more and experience greater satisfaction in all parts of life.

5 Daily Practices for Enhancing Mental Wellness

Adopting even simple daily practices can significantly enhance your mental wellness. Nurse coaches advocate for a holistic approach that addresses various aspects of life from mindfulness and meditation to physical activity and proper nutrition. 

Here are five key practices to consider adding into your daily routine: 

Practice #1: Mindfulness and Meditation

Mindfulness involves staying present and fully engaged with the moment, without judgment. This practice helps in recognizing and dealing constructively with your emotions. 

Meditation, a form of mindfulness, often involves techniques like focusing on your breath or a mantra to achieve mental clarity and emotional calmness. Nurse coaches suggest starting with just a few minutes each day, gradually increasing the duration as you become more comfortable with the practice. You may find apps such as Headspace, Ten Percent Happier, among others, or guided sessions to be helpful. Employee assistance programs (EAPs) may include resources or trainings.

Practice #2: Physical Activity

Regular physical activity boosts your physical health and your mental well-being, too. Exercise releases endorphins, known as “feel-good” hormones, which can lift your mood and act as a natural counter to stress and anxiety. Nurse coaches recommend participants start slow and try to work up to a possible goal of around 30 minutes of moderate exercise into their daily routine to boost their mood and energy levels. Brisk walking, cycling, and yoga are good examples, but make sure to consult with your care team to find activities that are appropriate for your condition.

Practice #3: Balanced Nutrition

What you eat significantly impacts your brain function and, by extension, your mood and mental health. A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains provides the nutrients you need for brain health, including omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamins. Nurse coaches emphasize the importance of regular, balanced meals and suggest minimizing the intake of processed foods and sugar, which can lead to energy crashes and mood swings.

Practice #4: Quality Sleep

Sleep and mental health are closely connected. Poor sleep can exacerbate stress, anxiety, and depression, while healthy sleep patterns can enhance your mental well-being. Nurse coaches recommend establishing a regular sleep schedule, creating a restful environment free from electronic distractions, and developing a calming bedtime routine to improve sleep quality.

Practice #5: Stress Management Techniques

Managing daily stress is key to maintaining mental wellness. Techniques can include deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, or engaging in hobbies that divert and calm the mind. Nurse coaches often help individuals identify personal stress triggers and develop coping strategies tailored to their specific needs and lifestyles. This proactive approach to stress management can prevent stress from building up and causing more severe mental health issues down the line.

Building a Supportive Environment

Creating a supportive environment is a vital component of maintaining mental wellness. This includes maintaining strong social connections, healthy relationships, and the safety net of mental health support.

Social connections play a significant role in our mental health. Engaging with a supportive community can provide emotional comfort, reduce feelings of stress and anxiety, and enhance your sense of belonging and purpose. These connections can act as a buffer against mental health challenges by providing emotional support during difficult times.

To build and develop relationships that positively influence mental health, we must be intentional about who we spend time with and how we interact. Actively seek out and nurture relationships with individuals who are understanding, positive, and empathetic. Participating in group activities that align with your interests, such as classes, clubs, or volunteer organizations, can expand your social network and connect you with like-minded people. Build an environment of openness and trust where feelings and experiences can be shared without judgment.

At the same time, you should know when and how to seek help if you need it. Learn to recognize the signs that you need external support, such as persistent sadness, high levels of anxiety, or a feeling of being overwhelmed. When those times come, reach out to people you trust, whether they are friends, family members, or mental health professionals. Professional resources such as counseling or therapy can provide specialized support and strategies for managing mental health challenges.


Throughout this article, we’ve explored essential practices for enhancing mental wellness, guided by the expertise of nurse coaches. These daily practices, from meditation to stress management and everything in between, lay the foundation for a healthier mental state.  

Making these practices part of your daily routine can lead to significant improvements in both personal well-being and professional productivity. We encourage you to start small, perhaps by choosing one new habit to focus on, and gradually incorporate more practices as you successfully experience the benefits. 

For business leaders, establishing a program that supports these mental wellness practices among your health plan participants is not just an investment in their health; it’s an investment in the overall success of your organization. Curally offers specialized programs designed to assist participants in adopting the right practices that enhance mental health and improve overall well-being. 

We invite you to contact Curally to learn more about how we can help you set up a comprehensive program tailored to meet the unique needs of your participants. Together, we can create a healthier, more productive workplace that supports mental wellness for everyone.